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- First Names:Jolene Ailsa Nathan
- Also known as:Ngati Whatua Princess
- Last Name:Patuawa-Tuilave
- Age:33y
- Country:New Zealand
- Funeral Home:Legacy Funerals
- Published Notices:(5) View noticesOrder summary
Prominent NZ Maori lawyer Jolene (33) was the Co-President of Te Hunga Roia Māori o Aotearoa (Maori Law Society) from 2008. She was described by peers as an incredibly smart and gifted lawyer who fought for the recognition and protection of Treaty rights. She graduated from Otago University and practised law in Tauranga before moving to Wellington in 2006 to work in the Māori Legal Group at Kensington Swan where she reached Senior Associate level. In 2009 she returned to Tauranga to be a Partner at Jackson Reeves. She died of cancer and is survived by her husband.
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