Going through tough times and need support?
Reaching out for help when we need it isn’t always easy. The Support Directory below is provided to connect you directly with groups and organizations in your community that are there to help you.
www.yellow.co.nz – Yellow Pages phone directory, search by business type – Counsellors.
www.cab.org.nz – Citizens Advice organization that can direct you.
www.lifeline.co.nz – A confidential and non-judgmental telephone counseling service operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
www.relate.org.nz – Provides a range of counseling and education services.
www.samaritans.org.nz – A service available 24 hours a day for people who want confidential listening and support.
www.depression.org.nz – The Depression Helpline on 0800 111 757 will connect you to a trained counselor who can discuss your situation and find the right support for you.
www.mentalhealth.org.nz – This resource centre at the Mental Health Foundation has a wide range of books and other resources for loan, about all facets of mental health.
Elder Services
www.eldernet.co.nz – This website provides you with timely, relevant, and comprehensive information about services for older people in New Zealand.
www.carepublications.co.nz – provides an overview of services for older people in New Zealand with the aim to ‘put you in the driving seat’ by giving you the information you need to make informed decisions at this important life stage.
www.athomecare.co.nz - offers a comprehensive online directory covering almost all of the services, products, care and businesses that are available in the Tauranga/Taranaki/Horowhenua areas for the retired and elderly. In particular, for those that may be starting to need some assistance at home.Funeral Planning
www.celebrateme.co.nz - Online business directory for the life celebration/funeral services industry.
www.fdanz.org.nz – National body representing 65% of all funeral homes in New Zealand.
www.winz.govt.co.nz – Work and Income NZ provides funeral grants in some instances.
www.funeralcostshelp.co.uk/funeral-directors-how-to-choose-one - a non-profit funeral help site which focuses on advice for people at this difficult time.Grief Support
www.griefcentre.org.nz - a charitable trust established in 2009 providing grief and loss support and education to the community and professionals throughout NZ. Services include support groups, counselling (face-to-face, phone, and Skype), and information and resources.
www.skylight.org.nz – Provides a national support service for New Zealand children and young people who are experiencing change, loss and grief – whatever its cause.
www.suicidebereavementcoaching.nz - a specialist suicide bereavement coach who has personal experience having lost a loved one to suicide.
www.beyondindigo.com – Providing grief support, products and services to individuals and companies who assist people who are grieving.www.ekrfoundation.org – Dr. Kübler-Ross has been credited as one of the Pioneers of Hospice in the United States and a leader in death and dying advice.
www.nalag.org.nz – National Association for Loss And Grief (NALAG) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation which focuses on issues related to loss and grief. NALAG branches extend throughout New Zealand, and links are maintained to similar organisations in Australia, Canada, the US, and the UK
www.lifeline.co.nz – A confidential and non-judgmental telephone counseling service operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
www.relate.org.nz – Provides a range of counseling and education services
www.samaritans.org.nz – A service available 24 hours a day for people who want confidential listening and support
www.twinlesstwins.org – Twinless Twins Support Group International provides support for twins and other multiples who have lost their twin due to death or estrangement at any age.
www.brake.org.nz - Brake provides support to adults and children who have been bereaved in road crashes.
Legal Assistance
Official Certificates
www.bdm.govt.nz – New Zealand birth, death and marriage government register.
www.australia.gov.au/topics/law-and-justice/births-deaths-and-marriages-registries – Australian birth, death and marriage government register.
www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates – United Kingdom birth, death and marriage government register.
www.govt.ws – Samoan birth, death and marriage government register.
Suicide Support
www.mentalhealth.org.nz – The national suicide prevention information service which aims to assist communities and services to prevent suicide.
www.afsp.org – The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those affected by suicide.
www.samaritans.org.nz – A service available 24 hours a day for people who want confidential listening and support.Victim Support
www.victimsupport.org.nz – Provides 24hr emotional support, personal advocacy and information to all people affected by crime and trauma throughout New Zealand.
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