In Memory of

Barry John MacIntyre

Died 13 Apr 2009

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Accident victim, Barry (39), has helped save four lives when his organs were donated after his death. The West Coast goldminer and sawmiller died after being hit by a campervan in his home town of Harihari.

  • Christmas 2010

    Barry John we have just spent Another Christmas day without you with us. Time does not seem to make a difference, we all miss you everyday and especially on special days.
    We have been up to visit you and your site is all complete and looking good, with a rock from Harihari that you collected and gold pan with black sand and gold in the pan, glass flowers made by you and lots of free flowers.
    We lost Dulcie yesterday so you will hopefully see her up there with you, look after her and know we love and miss you every day of every week all thru the year.
    Wish I could just hear your voice.
    Love Mum and Dad

    Jill MacIntyre. Queenstown, New Zealand.

    Saturday, Dec 25, 2010

  • Thank you barry

    Its been 1 year 8 months and two days sine u have been gone, its been that long sine iv been healthy.
    even in death you managed to do an amazing thing save my life and for that i will be forever thankfully


    Margi Inskeep. Rotorua, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Dec 16, 2010

  • I have just heard of Barry John's death and seen the article on TV. The last time I saw Barry John was in Queenstown. He would have been 15 years old, a school boy, as was I. I can still vividly remember his face and his smile. It is a tragedy but I am inspired by what he has done both in his life and his death. It is a very sad story - but ultimately one of hope.

    Steve Alderton. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Monday, Jul 05, 2010

  • Barry ....

    Cannot believe it, Barry.
    Even though Andy and I left Queenstown and we'd tracked you down in Takaka, all those years ago, you were still thought of and very much talked about. Watching TV1 last night, we were both absolutely shocked and heartbroken to hear the news of your passing. Seeing your photos - beer and rollie in hand and that lovely smile, just made us remember all those good times in Gorge Road. Heh, you'll be pleased to know that our wee driving stints down the Shotover worked and I am driving now!!!
    Love and thoughts to go your family and all those others you have left behind - but rest assured we are all bigger and better people, for having known you and very happy and proud to say you had been a great part of our lives and shared many happy times. Taken too soon - but ours is not to question why. Just "Thank you Barry" for being who you were and letting us in. Forever xxx

    Imogen and Andy Newton. Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

    Monday, Jul 05, 2010

  • Margi - it is so good to hear from you - I know Jill and Clyde have been hoping to hear from Barry's heart recipient and the fact that they read your message today, makes it even more special. Jill and Clyde, that was a great idea to have a beer with Barry - I know you will be sad right now, but going to sit with Barry at this time was a simple and extremely poignant inspiration.
    My thoughts are always with you - you know I'm here to help or be the shoulder to lean on, if needed.

    Sue Harris
    Barry's Aunty

    Sue Harris. Lauder, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Apr 13, 2010

  • Hey Bro! We talk about you often, the kids involve you in their conversation every day. We have just had an amazing week at the hut and house in Hari Hari and you were on my mind constantly. We all love what you have left for us and the kids are enjoying learning about being on the beach, finding treasures in the sand and in your shed too! We miss your smile, I miss your hugs. Rest in peace knowing you are not forgotten, forever in our lives. All my love, sis

    Jane Hughes. Queenstown, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Apr 13, 2010

  • RIP Barry

    Jill im so glad i saw your message, i saw the pieace on Tv about Barry and thats how i worked out who my doner was.
    RIP Barry , you will always be apart of me.
    I will never know how to thanks you.

    Jill im so glad you saw my message, I saw the bit on TV about Barry and thats how i worked out who my doner was.
    The Hospiltil also told me my Doner was a 39 Male
    I had my heart transplant on the 14 of April and the bit on TV said his heart went to a 21 year old and i was the only 21 heart transplant done last year in NZ.
    I would love to meet you and here all about barry
    my emails address is i would love to here from you.

    Lots of Love

    Margi Inskeep. Rotorua, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Apr 13, 2010

  • Our beloved Son Barry John

    Today at approx 6.10pm in 2009,you were killed on the road at Harihari, altho not officially dead till tomorrow the 14th we are going to visit your resting place tonight at that time and have a beer with you. We miss you every day and a whole year has passed and it still seems like we have just lost you.
    Have heard indirectly from 2 people who have your organs and are hoping in time to met up with them Charles lives in Christchurch (Liver) and Margi in Rotorua,(heart).
    I am hoping Margi sees this message and can get in touch with us, as your heart is still alive and we would love to met her and tell her all about you and what you achieved in your short life.
    Darling we love you and miss you always, rest in peace.
    Mum & Dad

    Jill MacIntyre. Queenstown, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Apr 13, 2010

  • To my Hero

    You are my hero , i never meet you get you have saved my life i am alive today because of you and the choice you made to donate your heart to me and for that i will be forever greatfull
    I dont know how i can put in into worlds to thank you for what you have done for me.
    Befor my transplant i was very sick and didnt have long to live im doing things now that i never had a chance to do
    Thank you Barry for been my hero



    Margi Inskeep. Rotorua, New Zealand.

    Wednesday, Apr 07, 2010

  • Christmas 2009

    It was already planned to spend Christmas with you in HariHari, we still went up there for a few days,went out to the beach but didn't make it to your bach but will return in February for a week or so. Christmas was so very difficult without you, we hope you are doing OK where ever you are. You are in our hearts and thoughts constantly.Miss you always Mum and Dad

    Jill MacIntyre. Queenstown, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Jan 05, 2010

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