In Memory of

Mt Erebus Crash 1979

Died 28 Nov 1979

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  • Last Name:Mt Erebus Crash 1979
  • Country:New Zealand
  • Published Notices:(0)

The 40th anniversary of the Air New Zealand DC10's Mt Erebus disaster is marked on the 28th November 2019. The 1979 sightseeing flight consisted of 257 passengers and crew destined for a 11 hour round trip to Antartica. The plane crashed into Mt Erebus and there were no survivors. Those that lost their lives included 200 New Zealanders, 24 Japanese, 22 Americans, 6 British, 2 Canadians, one Australian, one French and one Swiss.
The tragedy gripped the nation as searchers battled extreme weather conditions to retrieve the bodies and plane remenants. Over 60 people worked on the accident site, most in body recovery. 213 victims were eventually identified. The disaster is New Zealand's biggest single tragedy, followed closely by the Napier Earthquake in 1931.

Peter James ADDIS, Lleone Margaret AISENMAN, Alan Lawrence Malyon ALLAN, Jane Phillipa ALLAN, Marjorie Townley ALLAN, Margret Isabel ANDERSON, Audrey Gordon ANDERSON, Grant William ANGLESEY, Ethel Mary ARMITAGE, Melinda Maria ARNOLD, Valerie Ellen ARNOLD, Graham Mitford ASHTON, Mr BAGNALL, Mrs BAGNALL, Thomas Eric BAINBRIDGE, Llewellyn Arnold BALDWIN, Kay Marion BARNICK, Marion Ruth BARNICK, Earl Aubrey BEAUMONT, Desmond William BECKETT, David John BENNETT, Patricia Adele BLAIR, Marilyn Alma BOND, Robin Melville BOND, Ronald Thomas BREHAUT, Jon Philip BROAD, Phillipa Margaret BROAD, Gordon Barrett BROOKS, Geraldine Kay BROOKS, Aubrey Conroy BROUGH, Geoffrey BUCHANAN, Lucille Clark BURCKHALTER, Lindsay Robert BURGESS, Rose Ellen BURGESS, Heinz BURGI, Lorraine Eileen BURTON, Rae Jeanne BUTLER, Rangiaho CAMERON, Stuart Donald CAMPBELL, John Barrie CARLETON, Marion Rennie CARLETON, Margaret Bell CARR, Elizabeth Mary CARR-SMITH, Graham Ronald CATER, Bryan Harry CHADDERTON, Valerie Enid CHADDERTON, Alla CHRISTIANSEN, Hugh Francis CHRISTMAS, David CLARK, Irene Alice CLARK, Iris CLARK, William Henry CLARK, Joan Audrey COCKRILL, Cyril Bernard COLBRAN, Yvonne Louise COLBRAN, John Wright COLE, Thomas James COLLINS, Martin John COLLINS, Jean Ann Barnett COPAS, Susan Elaine COPLEY, Audrey Joy COPSEY, Constance COREY, Mary Alison CRABTREE, Norman David CRABTREE, Marie Patricia DAHL, June DAVIES, Kay DEAN, Florence Daisy DEBBAGE, Nora Violet DEMAGE, Helen Dora DUFF, Athol David DUKE, Hermanus Adrianus Johannes Maria Douglas DYKZUEL, Johannes Cabrini Maria DYKZUEL, Gwen Louise EAGLES, Edna Miriam EDWARDS, Elizabeth Jane EDWARDS, Cecillia Campbell EMMETT, John Barnham EMMETT, Jean FERRELL, Michael James FINLAY, Katherine Edith Janet FROST, Kuniyasu FURUKAWA, Alfred James GALLAGHER, Elsie Thelma GALLAGHER, Brucie GIBBS, Richard GILLIVER, Violet Iris GOSLING, Norio GOTO, Pamela Margaret GULLAND, Florence Lee HANCE, Marlene Anne HANSEN, Hazel Phoebe HARRIS, Annie HARRISON, Muriel Florence Rose HARRISON, James Follett HARTLEY, Myra Pearl HARTY, Kathleen HAWORTH, Peter HAWORTH, Mitsuo HIGUCHI, Eileen Elsie HILL, Gordon Alexander HILL, Jean Marie HOLLOWAY, Bryan Ernest HOLTHAM, Roy Henry HOTSON, John Greenleaf HOUGHTON, Ralph Brenton HOWARTH, Steven William HUGHES, Mildred Alice HUMPHREY, Thomas William Noel HYNDMAN, Akira IMAI, Hisao IMAI, Ernest Adalbert JAHN, Isabel JAHN, Nicholas Dunstan JARVIS, Evelyn Lois JENKINS, Charles Ivory JENNINGS, Kathleen Florence KARL, Dennis Frances KEARNEY, Dianne KEENAN, John Edgar KEITH, Nancy Phyllis KENDON, Betty KERR, Francis Ronald KERR, Geoffrey Ian Hamilton KERR, Anthony John KILSBY, Geoffrey Michael KILSBY, Nancy KING, Donald Clive KIRK, Asako KITAGAWA, Paul Anthony KLASSOVITY, Carl Robert KLENSCH, Mary Louise LAKE, William Olaf LARSEN, James Francis LAVIN, Yves LEPINE, James Charles LEWIS, Michael Ralph LIES, Alison Louise LING, Urs LOCHER, William Brian LOMAX, Charles Henry Devenish LOUGHNAN, Patrick Louis LOUGHNAN, Graham Neville LUCAS, John Alexander MACKENZIE, Margaret Joyce MACKENZIE, Stella Vonomerie MACKENZIE, Eudora Emily MADGWICK, Muriel MAGNELL, David Victor MANLEY, Dorothy Maude MANN, Suzanne Margaret MARINOVIC, Dorothy MARSDEN, Joseph Alan MARSDEN, Sarah Jane MARTIN, Trevor John MASKELYNE, Robert MASON, Barbara Dawn MATTHEWS, Bruce Rhodes MAXWELL, Olive Mrytle MAYNARD, William George MAYNARD, Shirley Jane MCDONALD, Richard John MCKENDRY, John Bruce MCMILLAN, Melba Pearl MCMILLAN, Eric Albert Dunbar MCNEIL, Roy William MCPHERSON, Jurg MEIER, Mark Geoffrey MITCHELL, Junichi MITSUHASHI, Nicholas John MOLONEY, Katrina Mary June MORRISON, Peter David MULGREW, Ross MUNRO, Owen John MURRAY, Christine Margaret NICHOLSON, Shigeru NODA, Ian John O'CONNOR, Hiroko ODANI, Morihiko ODANI, Mervyn John OLIVER, Tetsuro ONO, Juhei OSAWA, Masa OSAWA, Norio OZAWA, David Lloyd PALMER, Edward James PALMER, Gary Kent PALMER, Eija Kylli Marjatta PARKKARI, Ethel Mary PATERSON, Linda Jan PATERSON, Nola Minchin PAYKEL, Alfred Murray PAYNE, Majorie Ethel Isabella PEACOCKE, Carla PETHERS, Alexander Francis PLUMMER, Hilda Francis PLUMMER, Michael Arthur Edwin POTTER, Robert John PRESTON, Beverley PRICE, Joy Anges PRIDMORE, Beatrice Irene PROCE, Valerie Mary RAWLINS, Basil Halvor REVELL, Eileen Geraldine REVELL, Pamela Gayl RICHMOND, Helen Lady ROBB, Alison Meryl ROBERTS, Michael Seaver ROBERTS, Betty Estelle ROBINSON, Karl RUDEN, Hisako SATO, Russell Morrison SCOTT, Marie Theresa SCOTT, Michi SEKI, Toshiro SEKI, George M SHEPPARD, Seishrio SHIGETA, Ryoichi SHINONOYA, Stephen George SIMMONS, Betty Louise SMITH, Henry Howard SMYTHE, Ralph Augustus STEEL, Anthony James Leonard STEVENSON, Donald Matthew STEWART, Alan Maxwell STOKES, Phyllis May STOREY, Masaaki TAKADA, Peter Alex TANTON, Douglas Clement Frank TAYLOR, Roy Pearce THOMAS, Walter Daniel THOMAS, Billlie Tadlock THOMPSON, Henry Ford THOMPSON, Watson THOMPSON, Florence Anne TREMAINE, Robert David TREMAINE, Elaine Frances TRINDER, Henry WARD, Valerie WARD, Isobel WATSON, Katherine WATSON, Alfred William WEBB, Janet Challis WILLIAMS, Janet Mary WILLIAMS, Leonard Heathcote WILLIAMS, Marie-Therese WOLFERT, Barbara Annie WOOD, Irvine Kirkham WOOD, Linda WORTH, Hamako YANAGISAWA, Nobuyoshi YANAGISAWA, Ryoji YOKOYAMA, Otmar ZOLL

  • Otma Zoll

    I've never met you, but knew your son Fritz, we were in the same class in Primary. I remember the day the news was broadcast and the day that Fritz came back to school. He never said a word when he stood at the door but the whole class knew and that day I believed we all felt like we had lost our dad on that fateful flight. I often think about Fritz and I'm always overcome with sadness from so long ago. I hope he found his way in life and that it was filled with happiness, love and laughter and after so so long, I just wanted to say - sorry for your loss Fritz.

    God Bless.

    Girl from long ago Anon. Auckland, New Zealand.

    Thursday, May 15, 2014

  • Sue Copley

    Dear Sue, it was a lifetime ago that you tought me music at junior school and although I was very young at the time, I recall being upset at hearing the news of the crash. I have no idea why but you keep popping into my head and I've now come across this site where I feel compelled to leave a message. I suppose it's true then that people who have touched you in some way never really leave you. It is comforting to know that we stay in peoples memories and hearts for a long time after we are gone. I hope someone remembers me in the same way. God bless.

    Linda Butcher. Rotherham, United Kingdom.

    Friday, May 02, 2014

  • Roy Pearce Thomas

    I recall quite vividly as a motorcycle traffic officer in persuit of a speeding motorist (120km/h) south bound on the Porirua - Tawa section of the SH1 motorway. The driver a youngster was given the usual speel for his stupid act. His response "Haven't you heard?" I politely said "Heard what?" The driver anxiously said a DC10 has crashed into Mt Erebus. Making sure I heard right, anced at my watch and noted the time was 15 min to the evening news. I immediately warned the young fella and told him to keep his speed down and that i would radio ahead.

    You see Roy I've never met you and yet we were destined to become a family in more ways then one.

    I servred in the Army for 7 years and part of my career I spent 3 months in 1972 at Scott Base loading and unload freight in out of the ice.

    Approx 1982 I met two child girls at my home in Whitby, Porirua.
    In 1987 Roy, I married your daughter.

    It is now 2013, me and Sue are starting to injoy the great parent life.
    You see Roy its possible that you more than likely new my father who lived and worked in Taihape. The family home was in Utiku.

    So in my getting to know you Roy through your family i will feel especially proud to be your maori son inlaw .

    I continue with the bond knowing that when i look to the south, memories will continue and I gues I owe this all to that speedster who got a kick in the bum for speeding back in 1979.

    "Like stars that glitter way up there somewhere, so shall my thoughts glow in the same light"


    Tony Mako Wharemahihi. Hastings, New Zealand.

    Monday, Oct 28, 2013

  • nicholas jarvis

    a fantastic uncle and friend sadly missed...from phil Jarvis u.k

    phil jarvis. keighley, United Kingdom.

    Monday, Aug 26, 2013

  • CARR-SMITH, Elizabeth Mary

    You still have a special place in my heart Liz

    Ferry van Rossum. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Sunday, Jul 07, 2013

  • To the grandparents I never met, Hiroko and Morihiko Odani. Okaasan and Junko miss you dearly. Everyday I think of Snow, Ojiichan, it pains me that I never got to learn to backpack and ski from you. I'm teaching myself to juggle, because of you, too. I know I will get to see you someday, somehow, but I feel that I can see a bit of you everyday. Obaachan, I wish to see your face and hear your voice someday.

    ST. North Carolina, United States of America.

    Thursday, Oct 18, 2012

  • dominique zaug

    KayBarnick je techerchais depuis quarante huit ans pour te retrouver sur cette liste de martyres je t'ai connus j'avais dix huit ans tu a habité rue des martyrs dans le 9é arrondissement de paris en 1970 je t'avais rencontré au centre culturelaméricainrue du dragon pour leconcertdu trompetiste joe turner nous avions ete voir l'abaye de port royale lieu des janséniste et de descarte nous avions voulu voir le festival de provins lieu de jazz tu m'a fait connâitre le philosophe merson et le créateur du parc de yellow stone john muir kaye je t'aime toujours

    zaug dominique. saint martin lot 2 conception, Guadeloupe.

    Monday, Apr 23, 2012

  • for Graham Lucas

    Today Fr Dan gave me a rock he got on a trip to Mt Erebus. Finally after 32 years, half my life, I feel I still have a piece of you with me. I still love you and always will. Wait for me in heaven. Bev p.s. I've met your cousin Denis' wife. Small world eh?

    Beverley Hamilton. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012

  • for Graham Lucas

    Today Fr Dan gave me a rock he got on a trip to Mt Erebus. Finally after 32 years, half my life, I feel I still have a piece of you with me. I still love you and always will. Wait for me in heaven. Bev p.s. I've met your cousin Denis' wife. Small world eh?

    Beverley Hamilton. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012

  • Robert Preston

    Thinking of you Bob.

    leon. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012

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