![Profile Image](/images/featuring/197587.jpg)
- First Names:Lillie, Jackson and Willsher and
- Also known as:Lillie Rhona Pearl / Jackson James / Willsher John
- Last Name:Weekes
- Other Names:WEEKS
- Age:2y
- Country:New Zealand
- Funeral Home:Gee & Hickton - Lower Hutt
- Charity:Neonatal Trust - Wellington
- Published Notices:(5) View noticesOrder summary
Two year old triplets Lillie, Wilsher and Jackson, had their lives tragically cut short when a fire broke out in the Mall their creche was in in the town of Doha, Qatar. The children, from Wellington, were playing at the Gympanzee crech while their mother was shopping in a nearby supermarket. A total of 19 people were killed.
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