In Memory of

David William Irving

28 Jan 1952 - 21 Sep 2017

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David sadly died less than a year after he took the helm (CEO) of the NZ Fundraising Institue, an organisation where he made a big impact, making important changes and leading the Wellington team. He was the co-founder and CEO of Fronde, founded in 1992, and the former CEO of The Life Flight Trust (2009-2014). He was also the CEO of Synergy International (1998-2005). He was a gentle, kind, thoughtful and generous man whose skills and commitment to helping others will be forever remembered. He is survived by his wife, children and grandchildren.

  • Requiescat in pace

    Christopher Adams. Wellington, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Sep 28, 2017

  • Respect

    Was privelaged to have served with David through the Upper Hutt District Scouts. A true gentleman with a great sence of humour.. participated in several "gang Shows" togeather.. Swann Ache wont be the same.. To Sue and the family, our deapest respect.. RIP david.

    John and Karin Donald

    John and Karin Donald. Whitby, New Zealand.

    Wednesday, Sep 27, 2017

  • Sorely missed

    On behalf of the Board of the the Fundraising Institute of NZ, I want to pay tribute to David - a calm, generous and astute person who truly was a true gentleman. In his short time at the helm of FINZ he made a tremendous impact and we are all so very sad, alongside the grief we have for his family, that he was not able to continue the wonderful work he was doing with and for us in the fundraising sector. A real loss to all.

    Kate Russell. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Wednesday, Sep 27, 2017

  • Privilege

    It is rare to meet someone whose impact seeps rather than strikes but you were such a person David. I count it a privilege to have met and worked with you in the past year. The description that everyone so naturally uses to describe you is "gentle" and you were that. You were still waters running deep. To truly value you, we needed to listen and encourage you to speak, such was the natural humility I saw you display. Even though you made such a huge difference to my colleagues and our profession, it is cruel that you have not been given the opportunity to create the monumental legacy you were so capable of creating. I trust and hope that your family are comforted by their memories and the knowledge that you were so esteemed by so many.

    Jim Datson. Tauranga, New Zealand.

    Saturday, Sep 23, 2017

  • Greatness

    Greatness comes in all shapes and forms. David was unassuming but extremely smart and had a huge capacity for compassion. His work in the charity sector, and latterly with FINZ, was how I met him. I will never forget our first meeting in Wellington and how gentle, yet astute he was. He helped me with my vision to help others. I know he helped thousands of others. It is such a sad loss for everyone to have him taken so soon and suddenly. My deepest condolences are extended to his family, friends and colleagues.

    Sue Skeet. Timaru, New Zealand.

    Saturday, Sep 23, 2017

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