In Memory of

Cave Creek - 28 April 1995

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  • Last Name:Cave Creek - 28 April 1995
  • Country:New Zealand
  • Published Notices:(0)

Fourteen people died when a scenic viewing platform over a 40-metre chasm collapsed at Cave Creek in Paparoa National Park on the West Coast. A group of students from Tai Poutini Polytechnic in Greymouth, along with a Department of Conservation officer, were on the platform when it collapsed.
Four students survived the collapse, although with serious injuries. The tragedy resulted in New Zealand's Minister of Conservation, Denis Marshall, resigning over claims of negligence after it was revealed that serious systemic failures and underfunding had led to the building of the unstable platform. It also led to a change in New Zealand Law, allowing for government departments to be held liable for inadequate building practices.

COOK, Anne-Marie
McCARTHY, Catherine
O'DEA, Stephen
REED, Matthew
REID, De Anne
SHAW, Peter

  • 18 years on

    Most of us were only 18.

    Where did the time go? Today is exactly 18 years on and I find myself at 36 entering middle age with a family, car, career, house, and hobbies (probably exactly like one of those people we swore we'd never turn into).

    Life has gone on, since that lifetime ago. My heart aches that you guys didn't get to experience these years with us; but know that you've taught us to relish life's triumphs and trials, and to not get hung up on the little stuff... :) For that I thank you.

    You are not forgotten.

    Anonymous. Southland, New Zealand.

    Sunday, Apr 28, 2013

  • always in our hearts

    To all the families concerned you can all be proud of the legacy your children fohave brought happiness into the lives of all those left behind them. the courage and bravery of those uninjured goes to show the special nature of all kiwis . i never fforget that dreadful day and think of my friend jody both on his birthday and this day with sadness laughter and joy. he , like all your children will be remembered . Mr macs with you now jody so go catch up. deepest sympathies to all and may we always cherish the memories our beautiful children give us.

    carol dobson. porirua, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Sep 27, 2012

  • always in our hearts

    To all the families concerned you can all be proud of the legacy your children fohave brought happiness into the lives of all those left behind them. the courage and bravery of those uninjured goes to show the special nature of all kiwis . i never fforget that dreadful day and think of my friend jody both on his birthday and this day with sadness laughter and joy. he , like all your children will be remembered . Mr macs with you now jody so go catch up. deepest sympathies to all and may we always cherish the memories our beautiful children give us.

    carol dobson. porirua, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Sep 27, 2012

  • never forgotten

    memories never fade .

    Anonymous. kumara, New Zealand.

    Monday, Sep 19, 2011

  • never forgotten

    as each year comes around this tragic day still remains in my memory always thinking of this so clearly.
    my thoughts are always with the families that have lost dear ones but also think of the surviors wondering how they are doing these days and wish them well.
    so for when this time comes around hold your head up high think of all your great memories and laughs.
    wayne carey( ex buller rite) now living in blenheim

    wayne carey. blenheim, New Zealand.

    Tuesday, Jul 28, 2009


    It seems so cruel to lose one so dear. Time may dull the pain, but we will never forget. Please accept my condolences.

    Isobella Merrick. New Zealand.

    Monday, Apr 27, 2009

  • Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. - Unknown

    Mary Anderson. New Zealand.

    Monday, Apr 27, 2009

  • I will never forget the day

    My heart went out to the many families and friends of thhose who perished in this terrible tragedy. I think of you all often

    Sue Andrews. New Zealand.

    Monday, Apr 27, 2009

  • Lest we forget

    Anonymous. West Coast, New Zealand.

    Monday, Apr 27, 2009

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