![Profile Image](/images/featuring/88203.jpg)
- First Names:Maggie
- Also known as:Blanche Hunt
- Last Name:Jones
- Age:75y
- Country:United Kingdom
- Published Notices:(0)
Coronation Street actress Maggie who played Blanche Hunt died at the age of 75. She was forced to pull out of filming the soap opera in October after being admitted to hospital for major surgery. She made her debut on Coronation Street in the early 1960's as a police women, later returning as a shoplifter. More than a decade later she returned to play the acid tongued Blanche, Deidre's mother and Ken's nemisis over three decades. She played Blanche in over 830 episodes between 1974 and 2009.
Image source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanche_Hunt
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