![Profile Image](/images/featuring/91372.jpg)
- First Names:Zenzie
- Last Name:Sanson-Rejouis
- Other Names:Rejouis-Sanson
- Age:3y
- Country:New Zealand
- Published Notices:(1) View noticesOrder summary
Haiti - Zenzie (3), her sister Kofie-Jade (5) and father Emmanuel died when the hotel they were in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince collapsed following an earthquake. Her two year old sister survived. Her New Zealand born mother was also in Haiti at the time working for the United Nations.
Kofie-Jade Rejouis
Emmanuel Rejouis
Sanson-Rejouis Family Fund
any BNZ branch nationwide
or to BNZ account 02 0704 0074227 00, reference Haiti Earthquake Sanson Rejouis Family Fund
NZ aid organisations running Haiti appeals:
Red Cross NZ
0800 733 276
or any ASB Bank branch nationwide,
or to ASB account 12-3192-0006848-01, reference Haiti
0800 400 666
0800 243 575
Christian World Service
0800 747372
World Vision
0800 802000
Save the Children Fund
0800 167 168
0800 22 10 22
TEAR fund
0800 800 777
Rotary NZ
Westpac account: 03 1702 0192208 02
or cheques to RNZWCS Ltd, PO Box 20309, Christchurch
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