In Memory of

Pike River Coal Mine Disaster

Died 19 Nov 2010

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  • Last Name:Pike River Coal Mine Disaster
  • Country:New Zealand
  • Charity:Miners Relief Fund
  • Published Notices:(0)

Twenty-nine miners died in the second blast of the Pike River Coal Mine disaster on the West Coast on the 24th November 2010. The first blast, possibly due to toxic gas build up, was five days earlier and had caused rescue efforts to be delayed. The gas and heat levels measured after the second blast showed fatal levels that no one could survive.

Conrad John ADAMS, 43, of Greymouth
Malcolm CAMPBELL, 25, of Greymouth originally from Scotland
Glen Peter CRUSE, 35, of Cobden
Allan John DIXON, 59, of Runanga
Zen Wodin DREW, 21, of Greymouth
Christopher Peter DUGGAN, 31, of Greymouth
Joseph Ray DUNBAR,17, of Greymouth
John Leonard HALE, 45, of Ruatapu
Daniel Thomas HERK, 36, of Runanga
David Mark HOGGART, 33, of Foxton
Richard Bennett HOLLING, 41, of Blackball
Andrew David HURREN, 32, of Greymouth
Jacobus (Koos) Albertus JONKER, 47, of Cobden, originally from South Africa
William John JOYNSON, 49, of Dunollie, originally from Australia
Riki Steve KEANE, 28, of Greymouth
Terry David KITCHIN, 41, of Runanga
Samuel Peter MACKIE, 26, of Greymouth
Francis Skiddy MARDEN, 41, of Runanga
Michael Nolan Hanmer MONK, 23, of Greymouth
Stuart Gilbert MUDGE, 31, of Runanga
Kane Barry NIEPER, 33, of Greymouth
Peter O'NEILL, 55, of Runanga
Milton John OSBORNE, 54, of Ngahere
Brendan John PALMER, 27, of Cobden
Benjamin David ROCKHOUSE, 21, of Greymouth
Peter James RODGER, 40, of Greymouth
Blair David SIMS, 28, of Greymouth
Joshua Adam UFER, 25, from Australia
Keith Thomas VALLI, 62, of Wairio

  • My deepest sympathy

    No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.

    - Author Unknown

    Skye Andrews. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • Forever in our hearts

    No words can express how heart breaking and gut wrenching this time must be for you all. As someone from Westport originally with my mother from Greymouth, I know what it is like to be part of a "coast" community. You have all been so strong, united, during arguably the most difficult time of your lives. I cant put into words my sorrow but rest assured you are all in our hearts.

    Rachel Turner. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • A message from Room 16

    We are a class of Year 3 & 4 students at Westport North School. We wanted to write messages to the families of Pike River mine. One of us wrote a song so we recorded it together. We hope it brings you some strength.
    Please click on the link below to listen.

    Genna Bird. Westport, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • Our thoughts are with you all

    My great granfather worked the mines in dennison in the 1920-30s and I have an affinity with the life of a miner via the stories handed down. I knew in my heart of hearts that there was going to be grief after viewing the first blast and it verocity.
    My heart, My families Heart and the heart of the community I represent on the Rotorua District Council goes out to our colleagues in the Greymouth/West Coast.
    Kia Kaha ( Be Strong)
    Memories live forever. Aroha Mai
    Councillors Charles and Mrs Denise Sturt

    Charles sturt. Rotorua, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • Sending My Love...

    There Is Nothing That I Can Say That Will Take The Pain Away Just Knowing That They Have All Gone To A Better Place Helps A Little.
    I Send My Love To All The Families That Have Lost Some-One In This Tragic Event.

    Emma Ball. Thames, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • A poem by me

    Today 29 lives were lost
    The heartache for all was vast
    To wander the world as a ghost
    The memory of their love will last
    Remember them with love
    Their smiles, their pictures, their time
    To lose them all a major crime
    Grieve with family and friends
    At some late stage your heart will mend

    Donna Millar. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010


    Words can not express the emotions involved in this horrible tragedy. I pray you may find the inner strength to get through this time. In true ANZAC spirit I want you to know that WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.

    Nikki Lockyer. Australia .

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • My heart goes out to you all

    The hole in your heart is for the light to shine through. May it shine through again.

    Hunsa Newland. Thames, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • To the families

    Thinking of you all down home at this sad time.All the families I know and those I don't,my heart goes out to you all.

    Cheryl Pinn. Blenheim, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • Beautiful Brothers & Sisters.

    Yes we know very well the feelings radiating out from you all & from us to you , & your much loved ones that passed, we are all one on this journey through this thing called time , please dont think they are gone as you know you can feel them I do, they will enter your dreams in your transendence as my mother & father does, my beautiful friends they are no longer breathing coal dust & darkness but star dust & light , you will see them again all of you , my [our] thoughts are with you my lovely familys. .....Grant Sprague, Tauranga..

    Grant Sprague. Tauranga, New Zealand.

    Thursday, Nov 25, 2010

  • All messages are approved before they are published. Report abuse

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