In Memory of

Pike River Coal Mine Disaster

Died 19 Nov 2010

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  • Last Name:Pike River Coal Mine Disaster
  • Country:New Zealand
  • Charity:Miners Relief Fund
  • Published Notices:(0)

Twenty-nine miners died in the second blast of the Pike River Coal Mine disaster on the West Coast on the 24th November 2010. The first blast, possibly due to toxic gas build up, was five days earlier and had caused rescue efforts to be delayed. The gas and heat levels measured after the second blast showed fatal levels that no one could survive.

Conrad John ADAMS, 43, of Greymouth
Malcolm CAMPBELL, 25, of Greymouth originally from Scotland
Glen Peter CRUSE, 35, of Cobden
Allan John DIXON, 59, of Runanga
Zen Wodin DREW, 21, of Greymouth
Christopher Peter DUGGAN, 31, of Greymouth
Joseph Ray DUNBAR,17, of Greymouth
John Leonard HALE, 45, of Ruatapu
Daniel Thomas HERK, 36, of Runanga
David Mark HOGGART, 33, of Foxton
Richard Bennett HOLLING, 41, of Blackball
Andrew David HURREN, 32, of Greymouth
Jacobus (Koos) Albertus JONKER, 47, of Cobden, originally from South Africa
William John JOYNSON, 49, of Dunollie, originally from Australia
Riki Steve KEANE, 28, of Greymouth
Terry David KITCHIN, 41, of Runanga
Samuel Peter MACKIE, 26, of Greymouth
Francis Skiddy MARDEN, 41, of Runanga
Michael Nolan Hanmer MONK, 23, of Greymouth
Stuart Gilbert MUDGE, 31, of Runanga
Kane Barry NIEPER, 33, of Greymouth
Peter O'NEILL, 55, of Runanga
Milton John OSBORNE, 54, of Ngahere
Brendan John PALMER, 27, of Cobden
Benjamin David ROCKHOUSE, 21, of Greymouth
Peter James RODGER, 40, of Greymouth
Blair David SIMS, 28, of Greymouth
Joshua Adam UFER, 25, from Australia
Keith Thomas VALLI, 62, of Wairio

  • danny

    i will remember you forever good times & sad (losing guy) we shared them together miss and love you all sarah and snoop best years of my life was those years spent with you guys in nelson so sad you not here anymore you enjoyed life and was joy to be around love and light brother love alicia holden xo

    alicia holden. wellington, New Zealand.

    Saturday, Oct 26, 2019

  • Tragedy felt worldwide

    Recently home from a trip to Israel (where I was during this tragedy), and other countries, I wish all the families to know that this tragedy was felt so very deeply in the whole world. Greymouth was my home town for about 20mths as an 11/12 year old and I was aware of the absolute dread families were feeling. People in Israel were following the news and mourning with you. Many prayers were said by people who have never been to NZ or even heard of Greymouth. Please accept our very deepest sympathy. Simone

    Simone Rainger simone rainger. Auckland (ex Greymouth 1971/2, New Zealand.

    Wednesday, Jan 05, 2011

  • Pike Mining Disaster 2010

    They worked in a mine, the Pike twenty nine,
    on New Zealand’s rugged West Coast.
    Those poor brave men, went down again,
    and bragged who could drink the most.

    You could hear noise, from those working boys
    as they picked the seam of coal.
    With laughter they sweat, till they’re soaking wet
    and the day has taken it’s toll.

    Number twenty nine, the 10th prime,
    the digits not of our choosing.
    on the 19th day of November they say,
    fate wasn’t going to be losing.

    A second blast, flags at half mast,
    the news sent our spirits falling.
    The rescue date, it came too late,
    we pray that heaven was calling.

    We sing a lament, twenty nine souls went.
    from that horrible fiery pit.
    Their faces we’ll miss, no goodbye kiss,
    no passing wisdom or wit.

    Twenty one plus eight, an empty plate
    at each house this Christmas time
    The churches fill, with mourners still,
    the bells begin to chime.

    No vigil there, no graveside prayer,
    no bodies left to hold.
    The whole world knows, the pain that grows,
    our prayers have not gone cold.

    By Roger Vincent
    Author of “Apostrophe to Zenith”

    Roger Vincent. Upper Hutt, New Zealand.

    Monday, Dec 20, 2010

  • Malcolm Campbell

    To Amanda,

    My heart aches for you, words cannot express the pain and anguish you must be feeling at this time. Although no words can comfort you, I hope that in the months and years ahead, this message along with others you receive, will let you know that others from all over the world are walking this path with you in spirit and in love.

    The special day that you and Malcolm had chosen is also special to me. It is my son's 38th birthday and his middle name is Campbell (Campbell is also my grandson's name) and my brother is Malcolm. My father-in-law and my husband worked underground for many years so this tragedy is very close to my heart.

    My heart goes out to you, to Malcolm's parents and his family, to your parents and family and to all those who knew and loved Malcolm.

    Irene Forrest, a Kiwi living in the USA

    Irene Forrest. California, United States of America.

    Wednesday, Dec 15, 2010

  • In remembrance of all 29 miners

    My heart and thoughts are with all the families and loved ones of the 29 brave and precious men who lost their lives in the Pike River Mine disaster. Words cannot express, nor comfort, the heartache and anguish you are all suffering. In the months and years ahead I hope that this message and others you receive will comfort you in knowing that there are others from all over the world who are walking this path with you in spirit and love.
    We will never forget these 29 beautiful men, their memory will live forever in our hearts.

    My deepest sympathy to all of you,

    Irene Forrest
    A kiwi living in the USA

    Irene Forrest. California, United States of America.

    Wednesday, Dec 15, 2010

  • unbelievable

    we will never be able to make sense of this tragedy. our hearts are with you all. god bless

    Anonymous. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Monday, Dec 13, 2010

  • My Love and Taughts to All

    I send my love and prayers to all From across the world Ireland (EIRE)
    May they rest with angles
    Marian Quinlan Curtin
    Tipperary Ireland

    Marian Quinlan Curtin. Tipperary, Ireland.

    Wednesday, Dec 08, 2010

  • Sorry.

    I'm so sorry for you guys. My heart goes out to you all.

    Georgie Skeet. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Friday, Dec 03, 2010

  • To the families and loved ones of 29 brave souls...

    Our hearts and minds are with you all...29 brave men that will never be forgotten.God speed R.I.P.

    michele spiller. tauranga, New Zealand.

    Friday, Dec 03, 2010

  • THE MEN OF PIKE part 2 - Poem by Sean Plunket

    Mates and friends who we are seeking
    Methane gas from coal seams leaking
    Vents exploded, phones unheeded
    Level heads and strength are needed

    The world above unites as one
    To bring the missing to the sun
    Rescue teams are standing by
    As holes are drilled and experts try

    To find a way that’s safe and sound
    To rescue those beneath the ground
    Could robots work where men are mortal
    To pierce the dangers of that portal

    But alas all effort fails
    The darkness of the mine prevails
    A second blast of rock and thunder
    Hope and prayers are rent asunder

    A nation weeps and Coasters mourn
    Pike falls silent, dark, forlorn
    A hole remains within the ground
    Devoid of joy, of life, of sound

    Another hole within the heart
    Of those forever set apart
    From those they loved who went to toil
    Digging coal beneath the soil

    Those who gave their lives that day
    To work a shift for honest pay
    They wait at rest within their mine
    The men of Pike, the Twenty Nine

    Anonymous. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    Friday, Dec 03, 2010

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