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- First Names:Clinton Alan
- Last Name:Woods
- Age:34y
- Country:New Zealand
- Published Notices:(0)
The Kotuku, 14.2m wooden fishing vessel sank off Stewart Island with the loss of six of the nine people on board. Two large waves hitting the Kotuku side-on led to the boat's sinking, and a Maritime NZ report said the vessel suffered a critical loss of stability when the waves struck and the impact was made worse by Kotuku's heightened centre of gravity. It is New Zealand's largest maritime disaster since the sinking of the Wahine.
The dead included nine-year-old cousins Shain Topi-Tairi and Sailor Trow-Topi, their grandfather Leslie (Peter) Topi, 78, Sailor's mother Tania Topi, 41, Clinton Woods, 34, and Ian “Shorty” Hayward, 52.
Shain Topi-Tairi
Sailor Trow-Topi
Tania Topi
Leslie (Peter) Topi
Ian “Shorty” Hayward
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