- First Names:Timothy Andrew
- Also known as:Lieutenant / Tim / Timmy
- Last Name:O'Donnell
- Age:28y
- Country:New Zealand
- Funeral Home:Beauchamp Funeral Home Ltd
- Published Notices:(2) View noticesOrder summary
Timothy, 28, died fighting the war in Afghanistan and is the New Zealand Defense Force's first fatality. His 12-strong Kiwi patrol came under attack in the volatile north-east of the Bamiyan province while travelling in a convoy of four vehicles. The patrol came under attack from rocket-propelled grenades and gunfire. After the 20-30 minute firefight a further two soldiers and interpreter were also seriously wounded. Timothy had been decorated with a Distinguished Service Decoration for showing courage under fire in Timor Leste. This was his second encounterr with the enemy, as he came under a similar attack shortly after his arrival in Afghanistan in April. Only a few short months away from returning home, Timothy was due to be awarded two medals as a result of his deployment to Afghanistan, the NZ General Service Medal (Afghanistan) and a NATO Medal.
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