![Profile Image](/images/featuring/167975.jpg)
- First Names:Paula Jane
- Last Name:Clayden
- Age:36y
- Country:New Zealand
- Funeral Home:Mark Rowley Funeral Services
- Charity:Hospice - Hibiscus Coast
- Published Notices:(3) View noticesOrder summary
Highly regarded St John volunteer Paula (36) lost her battle with breast cancer. Paula gave a lifetime of service to the Order of St John, starting as a cadet when only a child, and continued to study for her ambulance officer qualification despite her illness. She completed it and became qualified just weeks before her death. She was a St John youth cadet worker and also an on-call volunteer for the organisation in the Warkworth area.
She is survived by her three children (14,12 and three), her mother, stepfather and brother.
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